He contrary, ACAT1 deficiency did not affect the TLR4 expression in
He contrary, ACAT1 deficiency didn’t have an effect on the TLR4 expression in VSMCs, as shown in Figure 4c.Cell Death and DiseaseTLR4, ACAT1 and VSMC foam cell formation Y-W Yin…
He contrary, ACAT1 deficiency didn’t have an effect on the TLR4 expression in VSMCs, as shown in Figure 4c.Cell Death and DiseaseTLR4, ACAT1 and VSMC foam cell formation Y-W Yin…
Obtainable within the body of your article or Supplementary Files, or offered on request from the corresponding author.Lysate preparation and western blotting. Cell lysates were prepared following three washes with…